Fully equipped and experienced street Paramedics report to your work site and provide medical services to cast, crew or other employees. Medics carry emergency equipment for trauma and airway stabilization procedures, as well as a "mini-drug store" with over the counter medications. Aspirin, Advil, Tylenol, Aleve, Excedrin, bandages, bug spray and sun-block are just a few of over 200 treatments we provided to the working crew. Some of this isn't rocket science, we just keep your crew happy and working, after all the show must go on. Our medics are trained in workers compensation documentation procedures, and will fulfill state and federal requirements for reporting.

We maintain an ongoing relationship with a privately owned rescue service who we contract to provide "automobile" level fire and rescue services. If your need for fire suppression rises above the automobile level, we maintain good working relations with most of the Fire Departments within a 1 hour drive of metro Atlanta. We know how to walk the walk and talk the talk to deal effectively with government Fire Chiefs to accomplish the mission.

Rescue As per our fire services above, we provide a fully equipped rescue truck to respond effectively to "automobile" level entrapment extrications. Our truck has the full spectrum of rescue equipment, jaws, cutters, spreaders, glass removal, personal protective equipment, chocks, and scene lighting to get the job done. Extrication technicians are trained and experienced in auto rescue procedures.

We have priced and examined all the regional helicopter ambulances and have found our helicopter team to provide the widest and best range of service. Due to their high volume they can dedicate a ship to us at the most reasonable price. Most of the helicopters are twin engine, have pilots with more than a thousand hours of flying time and are equipped with the latest avionics and communications packages to insure a safe transport for the victim.


High-angle rope rescue

We maintain a relationship with Georgia's best privately owned rope rescue team. Born, bred and experienced in rescues in the rugged North Georgia mountains, our team has over 10 experienced members and is equipped with stokes baskets, hardware, and the techniques necessary to effect a high-angle rope rescue over rock cliffs or other challenging terrain in high angle situations.

Jeff Leonard, our chief of rescue diving operations, holds certifications as a public safety rescue dive master, rescue diver instructor, scuba diver instructor trainer, advanced open water diver and is a nitrox certification instructor. We have relationships with all the major dive teams, training facilities and equipment providers in northern Georgia.

Rescue divers
© 2016 Stan Swofford | Website by KITTYBOY Creations | Photography and logo by Drewprops